Maybe, Even, for More Money than the Asking Price.
by Al Lewis
Utilizing my – Fast Sale Auction – it’s not uncommon for a Home Owner or Owner’s Agent to put a home on the market by auction that has been for sale for six months, a year, or even longer and then to sell that house in six-to-eight weeks irrespective of the price of the home: from under $300,000 to over $3,000,000.
I give Sellers an edge on competition in the marketplace by making their home the first one a buyer will look at if they want to buy in their area: the value-buy message inherent to selling by auction demands that.
The Owner or Owner's Agent still sells the home and completes the paperwork, but uses my auction by sealed-bid marketing program to do it faster. Once buyers are brought to the sale-by-auction property by signs and advertising to see what the auction is all about, they see an attractive pricing display within the home and receive information which establishes the Seller’s minimum acceptable bid price: usually the full asking or list price.
They’re also given a purchaser bidding package which includes a sale-by-auction letter of explanation, a customized bid form and envelope for delivery of their confidential bid to the owner or owner's agent by a specified bidding cutoff date and time: usually Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. each week until the property sells.
Bids can either go "Up" from the minimum acceptable bid price or "Down" depending on the number of buyers showing interest in a property and upon local market conditions.
When, for example, selling a home within an area or neighborhood known as a fast-sale area, the auction is used to encourage buyers to submit bids above the asking price to get what they want. The reverse would be typical of a slow-sale market, area or neighborhood; bids and a sale, nevertheless, would be the result.
As indicated, this goes on week-to-week until the home sells by auction utilizing my exclusive Bid Form or by a conventional offer to purchase negotiated by our on-site representative or an outside agent, whichever comes first.
Why Auctions Work So Well / Essentially (1) An auction is a value-buy method of advertising that induces within a buyer a desire to see a home offered by auction to see what's going on and what deal is to be had; self-interest stimulates action (2) Then, once in a home, whether there is any major price benefit or not, if they discover they like it, a sense of urgency to act, to take action, to buy the first time they walk through is stimulated by fear of loss; great marketing, like The Fast Sale Auction, makes buyers believe other buyers will be attracted to the property the same way they were, and (3) The bidding process helps a seller get the best possible price for their home; maybe, even, a higher price than the asking price.
It is my intention with this program to help my clients as well as sale-by-owner sellers and agents with slow-sale properties and listings anywhere in the U.S. or Canada get more money for their homes and listings than anyone believes possible in today's market and, possibly, more money than anyone has ever gotten before for houses like the subject properties where located irrespective of the conditions of the time, the market or the economy; and, above all, it is my intention to do it quickly.
To do this I assist sellers and agents with the sale of their properties and listings by Auction to position them in the competitive market as, possibly, the best choice over all similar properties for sale locally because of the value-buy message inherent to selling real estate by auction. Inquiries and visits skyrocket.
Turnaround Sales and Marketing.
How to Turn Slow-Sale Real Estate into Fast-Sale Real Estate.
You can get anything you want in real estate if you realize the things you want are gained by bold and enterprising sales and marketing that move through the market like juggernauts: unstoppable forces that crush whatever are in their path.
One bold and enterprising program I have for doing this is a unique stand alone sale-by-auction program I created in the early nineties (last century) for selling homes quickly in spite of the downturn in the market that occurred at that time.
I Have Successfully Sold Many Hundreds of Houses
with this Program that were Long on The Market Prior to My Being
Retained to Sell Them by Auction with this Program.
Posting my sale-by-auction sign in the yard of a house or listing you have for sale and advertising it for sale by auction (or Bid) per my methods and instructions will get you more stops and calls than any other method of sales and marketing practiced by any agent in real estate.
Builders know -- You've Seen Their Ads -- that this method of marketing is #1 when they get to a place where they just have to sell their homes or lots at some project. My clients include builders all across the California southland, the U.S. and Canada.
With advertising and/or positioning like this, you will draw both buyers and agents to your house like metal shavings to a powerful magnet in greater numbers than any other program on the market.
To Rise Above the Crowd, You Have to Rise Above the Crowd.
The Market is Always Good for Those at The Top.
Thank You.
Al Lewis
Marketing Professional Since 1975
Real Estate Prof's World Enterprise Marketing
Lead the Field. Dominate the Market.
Be Confident.
Al Lewis Broker/Mentor
Real Estate Prof's Allstate Marketing
Non-Local. Unbounded. Our Influence Extends
Call Any Time to Talk.
Al Lewis -- Marketing Professional Since 1975 -- is the Principal of Real Estate Professionals World Enterprise Marketing, an independent, standalone advertising agency serving the needs of real estate oriented sales professionals, owners and sellers throughout home state, California, the US, and numerous International markets; and Broker of Real Estate Professionals Allstate Marketing, a real estate company licensed with the California Dept. of Real Estate, License No. 00524259.
Both are headquartered in Orange County.